Last updated: 4 November 2015 |

EDSO visit to UEFA Grassroots Conference |
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UEFA had invited EDSO to give some discussion with UEFA Disability Panel and other National Football Associations, during the Grassroots Conference.
Bjørn Røine, Executive member, and Andrew Scolding, Football Technical Officer, had attended to the Conference at Nyon, near Geneva, Switzerland on behalf EDSO. 87 Representatives from the National Football Associations, 7 from Africans Nationals Football Association and 5 External Disability Agencies had attend to this Conference and it was an unique opportunities for EDSO to work with UEFA. There were some famous footballers and coaches e.g. Dr Jose Venglos.
We were fortunate to have an excellent interpreter, Brigitte Francois (McWhinney) of London throughout the Conference.
There are 5 key issues that had been discuss with UEFA Disability Panel along with other Disability Football Agencies, Blind, Amputee, Cerebral Palsy, and Les Autres.
It was agreed that all European Disability Football Agencies, including EDSO is to meet with UEFA Disability Panel to explore the possibility for UEFA to assist Disability Football Agencies with their technical expertise.
EDSO will be looking into assistance given to all National Deaf Football Organisation in Europe for advice and guidance to work with the National Football Association. There is no guarantee that everyone will get these kinds of supports, but it will be parts of long term plan, with supports coming from UEFA.
At the end of the Conference, Bjorn and Andrew had attended to a Gala dinner (Swiss style) in one of the beautiful Chateau on the outskirt of Geneva. Andrew had given visual joke for the participants to see and it was very well receive even coming from the Head of UEFA Development.
Andrew Scolding
EDSO Football Technical Officer
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