Last updated: 4 November 2015 |

To all European countries concerning deaf basketball
At the EDSO EC meeting in Kiev, Ukraine, 21-22 April 2006 it was decided to give approval of sanction to the first DIBF U20 European Championships in Stockholm, Sweden 5-8 October 2006. The tournament will be administrated in cooperation between the Swedish Deaf Sports Federation and the Deaf International Basketball Federation.
Furthermore: At a meeting in Malmø 29 April 2006 between EDSO President Ms Isabelle Malaurie, the President of Swedish Deaf Sports Federation Mr Arne Lundquist and DIBF Secretary General Mr Kjell Gunna it was agreed to establish a cooperation between the EDSO and the DIBF regarding administration of deaf basketball in Europe. An agreement or memorandum of understanding will be discussed and signed between the parts during upcoming summer.
Kind regards,
Isabelle Malaurie
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