EDSO Executive Committee Board wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011
21 December 2011
Last infomations from ICSD
ICSD End of Year Message 2011
ICSD Comment on Dwight Benedict
21 December 2011
EDSO President Bjørn Røine and EDSO Secretary General Juha-Matti Aaltonen meet EUD Executive Director Mark Wheatley 19. December at the EUD Office.
14 October 2011
Successful EDSO seminar for European Deaf Women in Sports and Leadership in Prague, the Czech Republic on 6 - 9 October 2011
17 women from 13 countries from Europe participated in the seminar, among them several young women, the youngest was 22 years old. EDSO President Bjørn Røine and Secretary General Juha-Matti Aaltonen were responsible for the seminar. Therese Rollvén from Sweden was responsible for the programme and chaired the seminar. The former EDSO President Isabelle Malaurie from France also participated.
Each country presented activities of their own country and it was discussed how women in different countries are involved in sports. There were significant differences, but also many similarities. In the programme Bjørn Røine gave a presentation about EDSO history and activities. SWOT -analysis was conducted and discussed in groups.
There were also group discussions on various proposals how to improve the quality of activities of deaf sport organisations. It was also agreed to keep in touch and share experiences with each other in the future.
The seminar was very interesting. Isabelle Malaurie has been an exceptional woman with her long experience in politics and sports, for instance she has served as EDSO President for 6 years. She was an important resource person in the seminar. The spirit of the seminar was very positive the whole time.
EDSO organiser European Deaf Women in Sports and Leadership in Praha, Republic Czech, date 6.-9. october 2011.
Only 8 countries entered the seminar:
(8 participants) EST, FIN, LAT, MDA, NOR, RUS, SWE, UKR.
The seminar is free for the delegates!
26 May 2011
Sports TO EDSO
Wrestling [2011-2015]
PLEASE SUBMIT BY 5 October 2011
03 August 2011
1st EC Judo, Rotterdam, Netherlands
The first European Championships Judo for deaf and hard-of-hearing people has been cancelled.
After previously about 100(!) preliminary entries, at the definitive deadline there were 44 entries.
Too few for a dignified EC, 28 men and 17 women should participate at the EC.
So in some weightclasses there would one or two participants.
And we fears some countries will withdraw their athlethes due to too few participants/matches.
OC deeply regret this, because the organizing budget is all covered.
The Board of the KNDSB and EDSO are also deeply disappointed with this cancellation and the great discrepance between preliminary and definitive entries.
25 July 2011
8th EC Athletics, Kayseri, Turkey
10 - 16 July 2011
EDSO President Bjørn Røine and EUD President Berglind Stefânsdottìr signed Memorandum of understanding between European Union of Deaf (EUD)and European Deaf Sports Organisation (EDSO)
06 June 2011
8th EC Volleyball, Antalya, Turkey
12 - 21 May 2011
EDSO want french athletes welcome to European championships and the French club can join and invite international competitions.
News from ICSD
France Rejoins ICSD
Country That Founded Deaf Sports Welcomed Back
Effective 23 April 2011, France is once again a member of ICSD. France has the right to send its athletes to international competitions and to host international competitions. This membership is provisional, pending approval of the ICSD Congress. Welcome back.
Ahead of the first European Deaf Women's Football Championship, UEFA.com spoke to the European Deaf Sport Organisation about its achievements and aspirations.